Monday, May 7, 2007

Hare Krishna!

Hare Krishna, and welcome to the new website for ISKCON Communications. As we settle into our new cyber-space, keep watching this space and let us know what you think. In the mean time, we're hiking up our dhotis (or saris, as the case may be) and dangling our feet into the blog-o-sphere.

Okay, so we know the question on your minds: why a blog? Here are five reasons off the top of my head:
  1. Because... sometimes "um, you know, we communicate" is just not a satisfying enough description of what we do.
  2. Because... It is about time we let you in on all of the interesting stuff happening in the exciting world of communications.
  3. Because... We depend on your feedback, ideas, and inspiration on how we can better serve Srila Prabhupada's mission.
  4. Because... We spot the trends so that you don't have to.
  5. Because... All the cool kids have a blog. :-)
So, now that we've cleared that up... make yourself at home. Keep checking back, and we'll try our best to keep you updated.

Yours in Service,
Vyenkata Bhatta dasa (Vineet Chander)
Director of Communications, North America

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